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32. This castle will be residence
of famous celebrities, such as Doña Blanca of Borbon, confined by her husband
Pedro I the Cruel in 1353 |
34. Arévalo in this period
will take part in the struggles of the king of Castile, backing the Trastamara dynasty. |
33. Little by lettle it will become
a village of famous lineages with noble surnames like Tapia, Berdugo, Montalvo, Briceño
and Sedeño and others like Altamirano, Tello de Guzman, Río, Ungrías
etc. Each lineage will have its own church: The Tapia that of San Martín,
The Berdugo San Esteban, The Montalvo will have San Miguel, the Sedeño San
Juan and Briceño Santa María the Mayor |
35. During the civil revolts in the
XVth century in Castile, there was a rising in Rágama against King John II,
who was secluded in a wine cask. |
36. The court of Castile will be
established in Arévalo, as a consequence of the Farce of Ávila, where
Don Alfonso was crowned King. The village will be sieged by Enrique IV. |
37.Don Alfonso dies in Cardeñosa
and is buried in Arévalo. In Guisando Doña Isabel is appointed her
to the throne. |
38. It's about this time when this
small town will become a duchy granted to the Duke of Stuñiga. |
39. The war of Succession to the
throne of Castile will make of this place the base of operations for the Portuguese
who supported Doña Juana "La Beltraneja". |
40. After the battle of Toro in 1476,
Isabel and Fernando are proclaimed King and Queen of Castile and Aragón. |
41. For the services paid to the
Kings, this village was granted a series of privileges. The most important were those
conceded by Fernando III and Alfonso II the Wise, Sancho IV and Isabel the Catholic. |