IESO Quercus - Departamento de Dibujo
- 2009 - Prof. Alfonso Tindon de Izu |
IESO Quercus I Paseo de
Poniente s/n I 37190 Urb. El Encinar, Terradillos I Salamanca I Spain I T. 923373315 |
Bulgaria |
Finland |
Greece |
Italy |
Netherlands |
Romania |
Spain |
Turkey |
June 14, 2011 [Completed]
Closure of the project in Spain.
Workshops, videos, exhibitions, lectures, collaborations in the regional and local
media and newspapers, trips... Compilation of all the work done. Project final evaluation. [Overview] -
April. 27th, 2011 [Completed]
Meeting at Sredno Obshtoobrazovatelno Uchilishte Ivan Vazov, Sopot, Bulgaria, April.
27th, 2011. [Overview]
February. 13th, 2011 [Completed]
Meeting at Emlak Konut Mimar Sinan Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey, 13th - 19th
of February 2011. [Overview]
Sept. 27th, 2010 [Completed]
Meeting at the Istituto Liceo Scientifco 'E. Balzan', Badia Polesine, Italy - Sept.
27th to Oct. 2nd 2010.
June 23th, 2010 [Completed]
Meeting at the RSG Slingerbos / Levant in Harderwijk, Holland, 23th - 27th of June
2010. [Overview]
June 21th, 2010 [Completed]
Netherlands and Spain Students' Exchange Schedule. [Schedule]
April 19th, 2010 - ¡Meeting suspended!
Spain and Netherlands Students' Exchange Schedule. [Schedule]
April 13th, 2010 [Completed]
Meeting in Constanta, Romania, for teachers and students. Workshops. Presentation,
evaluation and compilation of the work done so far. Planning new tasks. [Overview]
February 25th, 2010 [Completed]
Spain and Italy Students' Exchange.
January 20, 2010 [Completed]
Meeting in Greece: evaluation and compilation of the work done. Planning new tasks.
November 2, 2009 [Completed]
Meeting in Finland. Opening of the project. Setting general agreements. Presentation
of proposals and planning tasks for the 1st year.
From 15th of September to 15th of October:
- Email-contact among the pupils from the participating countries to get to know
each other
Each school must send a list with the email addresses of the pupils involved in the
project to the other schools so that the pupils could exchange messages. If they
have ‘messenger’ they could also chat among them. The idea is that the students of
every school exchange messages with all the other schools.
- To produce digital files, for instance a PowerPoint or some PowerPoints to show
to the other countries the own school, the town, the surrounded area...
These presentations can be made by students and teachers. When they are finished,
send the files by the Internet to the other countries.
- To produce a DVD compiling these presentations in English for all partners.
This DVD could be use in the presentation of each school during the project meeting.
Looking at each others’ DVDs will help to know each other. In the first project meeting
every school should give a copy of its own DVD to the other schools. Later I will
find the way of producing a larger DVD with all the presentations, and this DVD will
be one of the final products of the partnership.
From 16th to the 31st of October
- To design and print a brochure to publicize the project.
Every school should design a brochure to give publicity of the project in the school,
in the local community... A copy of the brochure will be give to the other schools
in the first meeting.
22/06/2011 |