Departamento de Dibujo


Año Académico 2002/2003


Tindón de Izu, Alfonso

Jefe de Dpto.


  Arquitecto Técnico

García Moral, Beatriz

      Bellas Artes

Jiménez Hernández, M. Jesús

  IES E.F.Sanz [invitado]   Bellas Artes

Juan Bejarano, Bernardo

  IES E.F.Sanz [invitado]   Bellas Artes

No inventamos nada. Reinterpretamos constantemente los mismos temas.

Debussy, Claude (1862 -1918)

Claro de luna - (16k) 4:07 Minutos


Biography . Maurits Cornelis Escher was born on June 17, 1898 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. At a young age, Escher was encouraged by his father to learn carpentry and other craft skills. Though he was not a very good student in general, his artistic talent was apparent early in his schooling. He was encouraged by his family and friends to pursue this interest in a regular career, namely architecture. Once at the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts, however, Escher realized that his true passion lay in the graphic arts. He spent the next two years at art school, where he mastered graphic and woodcutting techniques. Upon completion of his schooling, he traveled extensively through Southern France, Spain and Italy. During these travels, he garnered numerous inspirations for his work.
Throughout his career as an artist, Escher was fascinated by the art of structure. Though his early work tended toward realistic portrayals of the landscape and architecture observed during his travels, it reflected a greater fascination for structural constructs than for the landscape itself. Escher visited the Alhambra in Granada several times, as he was captivated by the Moorish ornamentations that filled the entire space on the walls. The inspiration there lay the foundation for his work after 1937, for which he is most famous. These works involve repeated patterns and regular divisions of the plane, impossible constructions, and infinite space. His work from then until his death in 1972 was driven by a unique understanding of mathematical concepts. Through his wondrous creations, Escher was able to lay a symbolic bridge between the realms of art and science


Biografía. Mauritius Cornelius Escher nació un 17 de junio de 1898 en Leeuwarden, Holanda. Ya a una edad temprana su padre le anima a estudiar ebanistería y otros oficios. Aunque nunca fue un buen estudiante su talento artístico se hizo evidente desde el inicio de su educación. Su familia y amigos trataron de convencerle para que explotara su talento y lo desarrollase enmarcándolo en unos estudios reglados, siendo la carrera idónea Arquitectura. Una vez matriculado en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Artes Decorativas, descubrió que su verdadera vocación le conducía irremisiblemente a las Artes Gráficas. Los dos años siguientes estudió en una escuela de Bellas Artes donde destacó en la talla de madera y el grafismo. Al finalizar sus estudios viajó al sur de Francia, España e Italia. En el transcurso de sus viajes atesoró experiencias vitales que le sirvieron de inspiración para su trabajo posterior. A lo largo de toda su carrera artística nunca le abandonó la fascinación por el arte de la estructura. Aunque sus primeros trabajos tendían a la representación realista de la arquitectura y los paisajes que habían quedado grabados en su retina durante sus viajes, ya preconizaban un mayor interés por los constructos estructurales que por los exteriores. Visitó la Alhambra de Granada en repetidas ocasiones ya que la ornamentación árabe que cubría las paredes le había cautivado. Las bases ya estaban sentadas para el trabajo que desarrollaría a partir de 1937 y por el que es más conocido. Incluye divisiones regulares del plano, diseños de teselas, figuras imposibles, y la representación del espacio infinito. Su obra desde 1937 hasta su muerte en 1972 se caracterizó per una comprensión única de los conceptos matemáticos. A través de sus mágicas creaciones Escher consiguió tender un puente simbólico entre el Arte y la Ciencia.  

Biography. Italian writer, painter, and architect, best known for his book on the lives of major Italian Renaissance artists, Vasari was born on July 30, 1511, in Arezzo. Trained in art as a child, he went to Florence, where he worked in the studio of Andrea del Sarto and won the patronage of the Medici family. Among Vasari's major surviving paintings are murals in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, and the Vatican in Rome. As an architect Vasari was a follower of his brilliant contemporary Michelangelo. Among the important buildings he designed are the Palazzo degli Uffizi in Florence, now a museum, and a number of palaces and churches in Pisa and Arezzo.
It is as a writer, however, that he is most famous. His Lives of the Artists (1550, revised 1568; trans. 1912-14, 10 vol.), one of the earliest works on art written by an artist of merit, is a primary source of information about the artists of the Italian Renaissance. The revised edition includes his autobiography in addition to the lives of Michelangelo and other major painters of the time. Vasari's book offers his personal evaluation of the works of these artists, as well as discussions on the state of the arts. His easy, natural writing style helped to make his book one of the most enduring of art histories. He died in Florence on June 27, 1574.


Museo Virtual de Arte Publicitario
Exposiciones temporales y permanentes sobre la historia de la publicidad

Fundación Germán Sánchez



Obra en verso

Residencia de Estudiantes


Yo no soy yo.
                             Soy este
que va a mi lado sin yo verlo,
que, a veces, voy a ver,
y que, a veces olvido.
El que calla, sereno, cuando hablo,
el que perdona, dulce, cuando odio,
el que pasea por donde no estoy,
el que quedará en pie cuando yo muera.







Proyecto "Arte y Técnica, valga la redundancia..."


Minoru Yamasaki