La música
digital en el IES Adajaa03/04
Proyecto "Arte
y Técnica, valga la redundancia..."
Una presencia
en la "web" de los estudiantes de Bachillerato. Prof. Alfonso Tindón
Mily Alexeyevich Balakirev 1837-1910 |
Mili Alexiewitch Balakirew, the famous
Russian composer, which took place at St. Petersburg on May 30, in his seventy-fourth
year. Born at Nijni-Novgorod, he received his first musical instruction from his
mother, and later became a pupil of the highly-cultured musical amateur, Oulibischeff
(author of well-known biographies of Mozart and Beethoven), at whose house he made
the acquaintance of the best examples of western classical music. When he came to
St. Petersburg, at the age of eighteen, he aroused the interest of Glinka, the originator
of the national Russian School, who saw in him his natural successor. Balakirewís
ideas exercised great influence upon the younger Russian musicians, and among his
pupils were César Cui, Moussorgsky, Borodine and Rimsky-Korsakoff. He was
a fine pianist and conductor, and among his published works are a number of interesting
compositions, including two Symphonies, the Symphonic poems ëRussí and ëTamara,í
the Overtures on Spanish and Russian themes and to Shakespeareís ëKing Lear,í and
a number of pianoforte compositions, including the famous Oriental fantasia ëIslameyí
(one of the most difficult pieces in existence). He also edited several collections
of Russian folk-songs. Balakirewís works are generally distinguished by considerable
melodic invention, no doubt largely founded on Russian and Oriental folk-music. His
orchestration is very brilliant and original, as is also his writing for the pianoforte.
In the last years of his life he devoted himself to religious mysticism, and seldom
appeared in public.
Musical Times, July 1910 |
Balakirew, Mili Alexejewitsch (1837-1910) |
Single works |
Last Update: Thu Jul 17 21:52:32 2003
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