


Miquel Barceló nació el ocho de enero de 1957 en Felanitx,
una localidad de no demasiados habitantes al Sureste de la isla de Mallorca. Los
alrededores de Felanitx son secos; el paisaje, pródigo en olivos, es uno de
los más severos de la isla; en los meses cálidos cae sobre la localidad
un sol casi intolerable. Hoy, Miquel Barceló tiene los rasgos duros de un
campesino mallorquín, a pesar de ser vástago de una familia acomodada
y con tierras... [Mas texto]
Estudiantes del curso de
periodismo - Departamento de Dibujo - 2008.09
Barack Obama - 
Obama is a big change, not only for the United States of America, but for the whole
World. This black president assumes the heavy task of governing a country in crisis
by reaffirming a greatness that must be earned, renewing its agreement to human rights,
and offering friendship to the world.
Obama begins an era of responsibility, saying that a country cannot prosper if it
favours only the more prosperous. All power falls on him as the president of the
most powerful country in the world.
Thousands of colour people, including Kenyans, overcome with excitement and pride,
watched his black brother’s inauguration ceremony, Barack Obama, the 44th President
of the United States.
All his supporters were looking forward to the day on which he achieved the summit
of power, sitting on the most powerful chair of the planet.
Some people voted for him because he was black and because his election would be
the culmination of the long march on Washington, which started two years after Obama’s
birth, carried out by the “dreamer” Martin Luther King.
Others voted against him because he was black and, despite his incomparable cultural
revolution, racism still persists in the United States.
I finish with the words with which everybody will remember the first black president’s
address: “honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, loyalty and patriotism”
Cayetana Donoso Blanco